Create Classes
Note: If your Testing Sections do not mirror your Classes, please see instructions to Add Testing Sections.
Note: If your Testing Sections do not mirror your Classes, please see instructions to Add Testing Sections.
Note: This step is to add any Proctors who have not already been imported under the “Import Teachers” step. Navigate to the Proctors menu selection. Select the New button in the upper right corner of your screen. Enter the Proctor’s First and Last Name and their valid Email address. The system will auto-generate a password
Note: Teachers can also be assigned as Proctors in this step. Ensure that any teacher who is also a proctor is marked as “Y” in the “Proctor” column in your CSV import.
Teacher and student data will be imported. To start importing data, please ensure that your data is in a .csv file format. Each column should contain header information to identify the data. Note! Please use one file for Teachers and a separate file for Students. NEW for 2023-24, schools with many classes/sections per grade can export the ARK-generated
When you login you will land on your ARK Data Dashboard. (See Figure 1). The key features of your dashboard include: Using Your Navigation Menu As either a Center Administrator or a Center Data Administrator for your institution, you have the ability to view all other administrators and view, create and modify the data for
Students Students refers to Catholic school or parish students in grades 2–12 who will take the ARK test. Student ID Student ID refers to the Catholic school Student Information System (SIS) unique identification number. This is an optional field. Student Email Student email is a unique, school-based email address for the Catholic school student. This