How to

Create Classes

  1. To create classes for your institution, please navigate to the Classes menu selection.
  2. Select the “New” button in the upper right corner of your screen. A window opens to prompt you for the relevant information. You will need the Religion Textbook Publisher, Series, and Edition used in the class.
Your view may differ slightly, provided for reference only.
  1. Select the Grade Level for the Class.
  2. Enter an identifiable name for the Class. NOTE: These Class names will be displayed on your and the teacher’s reporting dashboard so use something that is descriptive such that you know what it is.
  3. Select the teacher for this class. (As you had already created your Teachers in Step 4 above, this field will present a picklist of Teachers.) 
  4. Enter the Textbook information for the Class from the drop-down list of Publishers, then Textbook Name, then Edition. For High School classes utilizing 2 Framework courses per year, enter the 2nd Textbook information, else leave blank.
  5. Click “Save & add more” and repeat steps 2-6 for as many classes as you need to create. Or click “Save & close” to save the class and return to the Classes menu.
Note: If your Testing Sections do not mirror your Classes, please see instructions to Add Testing Sections.
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