How to

Add Make-Up & Special Testing Sections

Note: If your Testing Sections mirror your Classes, please refer to the instructions at the end of Assign Students to Classes.

  1. Navigate to the Testing Sections menu selection. Select the “New” button in the upper right corner of your screen
  2. Enter the Testing Section Name. This should be a uniquely identifiable name so that your Reporting Dashboard is easy to read.
  1. Select the proper Assessment for the grade level of the Students in the section.
  2. Select the Proctor from the drop-down window.
  3. Hit the “Save” button and you will return to the list of Testing Sections. Repeat steps 1 to 5 for as many Testing Sections as you need.

To add students to a testing section:

  1. To add Students to a Testing Section, from the Testing Sections list, select the “…” button at the far-right side of the Testing Section you want to manage. Select “View” from the pop-up menu.
  1. In the next screen, Select the “New” button in the upper right corner of your screen.
  2. A New Student window pops up and you can select your Students from the drop-down menu. If you are adding multiple Students at one time, use the blue “Save & add more” button. When finished, select the grey “Save & Close” button.
  3. Repeat Steps 6-8 for as many Students and or Testing Sections as you need to create.
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